Sunday, January 11, 2009

SORRY I havent been taking care of blog like I should

The holidays got in the way....also got my nose glued to the computer lately. I was obsessed to at least get a working draft of my novel (manuscript). Now the editing. I'm really proud that I wrote a what to do with it, eh? I am, to tell the truth, a little insecure about the editing. I have never been good at grammar, or spelling or formating....but I seem to have a headful of ideas. Oh's good to get it off of my plate.

The name of it is Flowers for Trixie and is a faction novel....mostly fact and a little fiction. I am one of the characters....when you read it, you will see which one very obviously. Yep...I was there. I changed things a little to make the story flow better (I think). also to make me look better.:)

Trixie didnt have a brother, but she did live with the preacher, had a country bumpkin husband who lead her astray, they did try to rob the drug store and she did serve time. She also moved to Sparta (real town, different name...but that town was called Sparta in the TV show... In The Heat of the Night, where it was on the crew of that show...but that is another story.)

In Sparta she met, Tracey and he left her for another woman, taking away the home place she put alot of sweat and money into. SHe did work for me and got her $$$ from her disability w/c check from her injury, as stated in novel.

Unfortunatley she was an addict, met Wayne (really a key man) and he really cared for her, but was afraid of commitment. He was married to Dave's sister (remember the bartender) for 10 years and didnt want a wedding anytime soon. I might have better gone into more on that in the book, but didnt. Anyway also as a side note, Dave and his sister (Wayne's Ex) were adopted as a pair and raised together in a happy family next door to Wayne....another story.

But this is about Trixie, after her breakup with Wayne, I invited her to stay with me in my pool house. She had a lovely daughter who was from the union of the Preacher's partner' rape. (she was really from the union with her first husband....I think). Then she met Marvin....a married man (married to a younger woman with severe RA) who came to the clinic often, always with a big wad of cash. I hope I painted him well as he also b ecame a main character in the novel. He co-owned the local pawn shop with his dad, who was well connected in this small southern town.

I started playing trivia with Wayne as friends, and Trixie got very jealous. THey were still friends or something. We planned to go on a minivacation together to florida with kids and another couple. In the story I had 2 girls, I really only have one. Also during this time, I met on a professional basis, he was a pt., Bill, the cop, who in the story, I had a close friendship...which may lead to something else. Bill was also married but gets a divorce as his younger wife runs off with younger man. (that is true.) Bill got custody of 2 kids....but in real life I fixed him up with my best friend but it didnt work out. Here, 10 years later, I still talk to Bill, but am happily married to someone else. (not in the story).

Trixie turns into a real drug freak and her and Marvin live in a rental house. She had always been a drinker so they partied! Marvin, who really did play Santa, lost alot of weight and it was rumored that he did have cancer. He didnt...he was just poppin pills with Trixie.

We really did go to Florida, my friends, kid and Wayne and had a great time as described. Judy is a real person as well is her boyfriend, Steve. The rest of the story was pretty straight on like it happened. ...the shooting, the investigation...including the quarry, the deeds, the body, the burial. Like I said there was no Heath, so the person who took Amanda in was Trixie's first husband, Jamie, who had become a fine christian, remarried and had several kids in Devil's hollow. Amanda married and had 2 kids. she is now divorced and living in NOrth Ga.

The confession with Mr. Johnson sr. is made up to tie the facts together. Nothing was every done about Trixie's death.

The other made up part about this story was the shooting of the preacher....he is still living in North Georgia.

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