Wednesday, August 19, 2009

MWG Fall convention a success!

MWG fall convention in Vicksburg was a great place to be this past weekend. Networking with other writers, writers to be and well known speakers was indeed exciting. We are now planning for next year. Thanks for the door prize donations Clarksdale!

Critique groups meet weekly

Do you have a book in mind, writing an article or novel? Our critique group meets every Tuesday at 6 oclock. The location varies from the CUtrer to people's homes so email us and we will get you on the list. Email submissions before the meeting or bring extra copies.
Call us for more info!

DWA changes time for meeting

THE DWA IS BACK TO ITS SUMMER SCHEDULE. We will meet at the Cutrer again at 6 pm on the third thur of the month. The next meeting is scheduled for Sept 16th. Any quesitons or comments...our email is and phone is 1 800 381 2306.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Lyric Writing Workshop - Spring Writers Retreat in Clarksdale

Thanks for submitting pics you all! WIth all of the excitement I forgot my camera. I really wish I could have gotten some pics during our Parchman Tour..but no cameras allowed ....we almost got arrested trying to take a pic of the outside. The would have been bad since my husband works there.
Here are some pics to enjoy at Gary Vincent's studio. More to come.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Clarksdale Retreat - Spring Writers a success!

Thanks to Gary Vincent and Coop Cooper, our speakers, and of course our wonderful participants!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Parchman Prison Tour

The Parchman Prison tour will be May 29th, Friday, at 10 am to 1 pm. All wavers must be in hand before May 15th to attend. This tour is free and to get copies of the rules and regulations and the waver form, please email me at or call 1 800 381 2306. Seating is limited!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

New Newspaper in town

Hey everybody - time to write newspaper articles. The Clarksdale Register accepts them via email and we have a new paper Clarksdale Blues-Star that will be on Sunday only. THis will be a free paper for about a month and then by subscription in a few counties. Submit your news now!

Awards Ceremony for JJ Writing Submissions

We would like to invite everyone to the awards ceremony for the JJ writing contest winners. This takes place on APril 26th at 1 pm at the Writing and Art Building at 243 Delta Ave in downtown clarksdale. Great refreshments and proud parents and teachers. THe 5 teachers with submissions will get $100 each for their classroom and the students are getting certificates, plaques and ribbons. Cool....lets take alot of pictures.

Meeting for Critique group on Sat.

Yep we are off schedule again...this sat we will hold our critique meeting at the private dining room at the North West Regional medical center. We will go over the success of our tent (cost of $75). We had 3 authors...John Campbell, Woody, and Patricia Neeley Dorsey and of course our own Helen Sanders. We sold about $40 in water. THank you volunteers. We gave out all of our flyers too. maybe we will get some new members.

If you have a submission for critique...we need 5 pages, copied of your submission and be ready to read.

We will also discuss a possible change of time and venue! election is coming up in June and so is membership be thinking for new officiers.

Juke Joint Submissions Judged

Juke Joint was a success inspite of the 80% chance of rain. The rain finally came about 3:30 and then in spurts for the rest of the day. Juke jointing that night was cool and clear.

What fun...we will soon post some pics and the winners of the JJ writing contest!

Holy Cow! What a job putting those submissions up in display. Now that I live 25 miles from the nearest store...I was looking for creative ways to put them up. I landed up putting one submission on a dog diaper...dont tell anyone.!

We have alot of submissions from St George's Day School, but none from the High School or college students...maybe next year.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Juke Joint Writing Contest

The Juke Joint Writing Contest is open to all students from 4th grade to college students. The prize is $100 to be given to the winner's teacher or classroom. There will also be an awards ceremony the week after Juke Joint Festival at the art/writing building in downtown Clarksdale.

The contest's theme is "keeping the blues alive". We encourage everyone to use the Carnegie Public Library for their resources.

Submissions may be an essay, personal narrative, poem or song lyric. Poems must be from 12 lines to one page and song lyrics must be a minimum of three verses and a chorus.

The number of words for each grade is outlined below:

Fourth grade - Sixth grade : 200-250 words
Grades 7-9 350-500 words
Grades 10-12 500-750 words
College students 750-1250 words

Please send submissions to

PO Box 0475
Sumner, MS 38957

For more information, Call the Delta Writers Association at 1 800 381 2306.
For pick ups, please call the above number.

Lets bring creativity to Clarksdale through our students. All winning submissions will be displayed at the art/writing building in Downtown Clarksdale (Delta Ave) during the Juke Joint Festival on April 18th from 9-4.

Deadline for submissions is April 8th. All submissions are property of Juke Joint Festival.

Sponsors of the Juke Joint Writing Contest
Friends of the Library - Clarksdale's Carnegie Public Library
Jim and Jane Wilbourn
SonEdna Foundation
KOK Publications
Rock River Foundation

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Retreat in May with the MWG

THe DWA is going to host a Writer's Retreat in May. We are still in the final planning stages, but our theme will be lyrical. Our main speaker will be Tommy Polk of Nashville, Tn. A songwriter, a well known songwriter orginally from Clarksdale, MS. Other guests will include John Campbell, author of Daydreaming on a Cottonsack and screenwriter of a new film called Strangers in the Hood. He is also brother of the famous Blues star, Lil Milton and good friend of BB King.We have lots of extra goodies planned for that weekend....put May 30th on your calendar. More to come.

Juke Joint writing contest

The DWA is going to co host the Juke Joint Writing contest during this years Juke Joint on April 18th. We will be distributing the flyers and rules and regulaltions to schools around the county. The contest is open to school kids from 4th to college years. More to come ..but ck out our blog at For more information , give us a call.

BTW- Our co host (sponsor) for this contest is the Clarksdale Friends of Library.! More information later.

Booksigning a success

Thanks Patricia for coming to Clarksdale. And thank you every one who helped make this event a success...We had a good turn out at our membership meeting with two new members and then a good turn out at the library. We would like to thank the Clarksdale's Carnegie Library for their support and the Friends of the Library. More events to come!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Mardi Gras Party and Membership Meeting

Feb 7th will be our Membership meeting at the Private dining area in the NW Regional Hospital at 9:30 am. Please invite your friends! Treats, and raffel will be available. Our guest speaker will be Patricia Neely- Dorsey, author and Poet! Give us a call for more information.

Booksigning on sat Feb 7th

Patricia Neely-Dorsey will be at the Clarksdale Carnigie Library on Feb 7th at 11:30 am to read from her new book Reflections of a Mississippi Magnolia. She will also have books for sale and for personal signing. Please come and welcome our Mississippi Poet coming all the way from Tupelo.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Correction for Patricia's web address

Please contact Patricia at:
PATRICIA NEELY-DORSEY Reflections of a Mississippi Magnolia-A Life in Poems "Meet Mississippi Through Poetry, Prose and The Written Word"

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Mississippi Author's Hall of Fame- Patricia Neely Dorsey

Patricia Neely D0rsey will be our guest speaker at our special mardi gras membership meeting on Feb 7th at the NW Regional Hospital Cafeteria at 9:30 am (Sat) Please invite your friends. We are hoping to get Patricia into the library for a book signing as well. Perhaps you will remember her poems during the Tennessee Williams Festival Contest. She is fantastic. You can learn more about Patrici at http://patricianeelydorsey.webs.

Mississippi Author's Hall of Fame-Kay Thomas

Kay Thomas, orginally from Clarksdale, now living in Texas, has written a new romantic suspence thriller titled Better than Bulletproof. Ck her out at Kay will be in Clarksdale on Sunday, Jan 18th in the Cargnegie Library at 2 p.m. to sign her book. DWA members welcome Kay Thomas to our Author's Hall of Fame!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Patricia Hymel, guest speaker for the DWA

Patricia Hymel, the new editor of the Clarksdale Press Register, was the guest speaker at the Delta Writer's Association monthly meeting. She discussed the future of the the paper, new changes and opportunities for 'stringers', freelance writers to write articles on social and special interest subjects. Ms. Hymel also discussed the Profile Magazine 2009 that will come out in February. This unique magazine will be a coffee table booklet that will profile local people, places, businesses and special interest groups in and around our community.

The new Editor has invited our community writers to work with her and her staff at the paper to create a personalized neighborhood paper. Our members were excited and ready for their assignment. Patricia also asked for ideas that we, or others may wish to write about or read about. She encouraged us to communicate about our interests. The staff of the paper had also come up with a list of possible subjects that they would like to possibly see in print.

The Delta Writer's Association now meets on the first Saturday of the month at 9:30 am at the Northwest Regional Medical Hospital's private room in the cafeteria. We invite all that are interested to attend. We also have a crtique group that meets on the third Saturday of the month. Next month we plan to have a Mardi Gras membership party and special guest speaker. The DWA also will be hosting a Spring Convention that will highlight special Mississippi authors and guest speakers. The Delta Writer's Association is a member of the Mississippi Writer's Guild, a very prestigious writer's association in Mississippi. For more information, you can call 1 800 381 2306.

Christmas social DWA

It was a small but intimate group at RUSTS for our Xmas social. We all had a great time with great food. We need to do this more often!

Outline of Flowers for Trixie

The novel name came from the fact that Trixie loved flowers as we brought up in the first scene, She wonders where the wild flowers went during her grandparent's funeral. Her grave was also covered with flowers. She enjoyed getting flowers from the men in her life.

Trixie is orphaned. Her grandparents die in car crash in North Ga. 1980. Her mother had died at her childbirth and her brother had been sent off to live with their estranged father in La.

She goes to live with the preacher. She is mistreated, molestested and raped by Preacher and friend in Secret place. There is suspicion that other "orphaned" girls have been mistreated and possibly murdered by the Preacher's hand. THe Preacher kicks her out after she finds out that she is pregnant at age 13.

She wanders the streets and is befriended by the bus man who introduces her to her godfather,(Bubba) a disabled vet that runs a local bar. He likes having Trixie around as she takes care of the bar and is a good cook. He also loves her like a daughter but doesnt tell her so. She meets the beer man and runs off. Bubba gets furious as he learns that she is pregnant and possibly a 'wild child'.

The beerman and Trixie live in a small trailer and for extra money they start dealing drugs. Now Trixie is hooked. THey have the child and things get worse as they are on their last dime and decide to rob a drug store. They get caught and serve time. Trixie gets out in 18 months while her husband's father is taking care of baby. He meets a christian lady and tries to get custody. Trixie gets a divorce while in jail and also gets an inheritance from Bubba who suddenly dies of ongoing illnesses.

With the money,she gets out of prison and gathers her child and returns to North Ga. homeplace. SHe lives with her brother who has returned from La. and works at the mill. Her brother falls in love with the neighbor's daughter, marries and moves to another town (close). The Preacher is still around, his wife has died and he is after Trixie, now wants her as his family, believing that her child is his. After many conflicts, the preacher retaliates and rapes her sister in law who lands up in Mental hospital. Trixie has a final visit from Preacher during her recovery from a hysterectomy, and shoots him in self defence. Her and her brother, get rid of the body and there is eventually an inquiry. When Trixie's brother feels that they are fixin to arrest him for the murder from the evidence aquired....he leaves N. Ga. to La. (Land's End, to become a shrimper once again) and hid out. Eventually they are cleared from the murder and her brother begs Trixie to come join him and his new family in LA. She decides to go to a town close to Atlanta where one of her ex- prison mates was from and promised a job and "new' men.

Trixie and her child go to Sparta, she gets a factory job and an apartment and finds a good babysitter. SHe doesnt lke the men the ex con offered her and eventually goes bar hoppin. SHe has an accident at the factory and is in pain, also accentuatin g her need for medication. She files a claimf or w/c with a shifty lawyer and has surgery. It doesnt work and she goes to a chiropractor with a referral from her neighbor.

THe Chiropracotr is friendly but has her problems, eventually hires Trixie, who meets a young man and marries again. She quits the office work and gets a ck from w/c which she uses to rebuild a homeplace (her husband's family) and play housewife. SHe gets to know the young neighor who is living in sin with a doctor next door, but is also an old school mate of her husbands. Her husband suggests that she go back to work as the money is sparse. He is a young selfish kid.

Trixie goes back to work at the factory as she is too embarrased to ask for her job back at the Chiro clinic...hasnt talked to them in a year or so. She has to start on night shift...and comes home sick one night to find her husband in bed with her neighbor. She makes a fool of herself but her husband kicks her out of "his" house and marries the neighbor andthey have a baby. Trixie is devasted and goes into mourning. A friend tells the Chiro about it and the Doc calls Trixie. Trixie comes back to work at the clinic. She meets the key man who doesnt wanta commitement but treats her well. He is also a bouncer at the clubs so she is drinking alot and staying out late. Trixie gives her man , an ultimatum and he tells her toleave. She moves in with Doc at her pool house and eventually gets involved with one of the pts.

Marvin is a married man that plays santa and co owns a pawn shop. His younger wife, whom everyone thinks he adores, is getting worse with her arthritis, but works in a governemnt agency. Everyone loves her. Marvin lives with Trixie in a rental house he gives her. She quits the chiro clinic and becomes his rental manager. They party hardy! He looses alot of weight on drugs and everyone thinks he is ill. He gives her a ring and plans t divorce but he has too many assets (deeds that he shows Doc). Doc is torn between the money as a pt and getting in the middle of the drama.

In the meantime Doc meets a cop who is also a friend and pt. He is also going through maritial difficulties but they become good friends and keeps her informed. Doc also starts to go out wih Wayne as friends . THey play trivia and plan on a mini vacation to Florida with friends andkids.

This weekend, Labor day (and also the weekend that Princess Di died) and after confrentation with Trixie, Doc goes and has a goodtime with Wayne in FLorida. They notice Trixie missing after they get home. Doc also gets a phone call from her cop friend that there was a shooting...Marvin killed his wife and then himself. It was billed as a mercy killing in the paper.

Wayne reports Trixie as missing. They all are interogated and the investigation goes on. Finally Trixie's body is found dismembered in a barrell laced with acid on the Johnson's property in another county. Mr. Johnson's father admits his role to Doc,b ut laughs that he got away with it.

Trixie's child goes to live with Trixie's brother and eventually is promised the home place in Devil's Hollow where he mother is buried close by.....with alot of flowers.

SORRY I havent been taking care of blog like I should

The holidays got in the way....also got my nose glued to the computer lately. I was obsessed to at least get a working draft of my novel (manuscript). Now the editing. I'm really proud that I wrote a what to do with it, eh? I am, to tell the truth, a little insecure about the editing. I have never been good at grammar, or spelling or formating....but I seem to have a headful of ideas. Oh's good to get it off of my plate.

The name of it is Flowers for Trixie and is a faction novel....mostly fact and a little fiction. I am one of the characters....when you read it, you will see which one very obviously. Yep...I was there. I changed things a little to make the story flow better (I think). also to make me look better.:)

Trixie didnt have a brother, but she did live with the preacher, had a country bumpkin husband who lead her astray, they did try to rob the drug store and she did serve time. She also moved to Sparta (real town, different name...but that town was called Sparta in the TV show... In The Heat of the Night, where it was on the crew of that show...but that is another story.)

In Sparta she met, Tracey and he left her for another woman, taking away the home place she put alot of sweat and money into. SHe did work for me and got her $$$ from her disability w/c check from her injury, as stated in novel.

Unfortunatley she was an addict, met Wayne (really a key man) and he really cared for her, but was afraid of commitment. He was married to Dave's sister (remember the bartender) for 10 years and didnt want a wedding anytime soon. I might have better gone into more on that in the book, but didnt. Anyway also as a side note, Dave and his sister (Wayne's Ex) were adopted as a pair and raised together in a happy family next door to Wayne....another story.

But this is about Trixie, after her breakup with Wayne, I invited her to stay with me in my pool house. She had a lovely daughter who was from the union of the Preacher's partner' rape. (she was really from the union with her first husband....I think). Then she met Marvin....a married man (married to a younger woman with severe RA) who came to the clinic often, always with a big wad of cash. I hope I painted him well as he also b ecame a main character in the novel. He co-owned the local pawn shop with his dad, who was well connected in this small southern town.

I started playing trivia with Wayne as friends, and Trixie got very jealous. THey were still friends or something. We planned to go on a minivacation together to florida with kids and another couple. In the story I had 2 girls, I really only have one. Also during this time, I met on a professional basis, he was a pt., Bill, the cop, who in the story, I had a close friendship...which may lead to something else. Bill was also married but gets a divorce as his younger wife runs off with younger man. (that is true.) Bill got custody of 2 kids....but in real life I fixed him up with my best friend but it didnt work out. Here, 10 years later, I still talk to Bill, but am happily married to someone else. (not in the story).

Trixie turns into a real drug freak and her and Marvin live in a rental house. She had always been a drinker so they partied! Marvin, who really did play Santa, lost alot of weight and it was rumored that he did have cancer. He didnt...he was just poppin pills with Trixie.

We really did go to Florida, my friends, kid and Wayne and had a great time as described. Judy is a real person as well is her boyfriend, Steve. The rest of the story was pretty straight on like it happened. ...the shooting, the investigation...including the quarry, the deeds, the body, the burial. Like I said there was no Heath, so the person who took Amanda in was Trixie's first husband, Jamie, who had become a fine christian, remarried and had several kids in Devil's hollow. Amanda married and had 2 kids. she is now divorced and living in NOrth Ga.

The confession with Mr. Johnson sr. is made up to tie the facts together. Nothing was every done about Trixie's death.

The other made up part about this story was the shooting of the preacher....he is still living in North Georgia.