Monday, April 27, 2009

Parchman Prison Tour

The Parchman Prison tour will be May 29th, Friday, at 10 am to 1 pm. All wavers must be in hand before May 15th to attend. This tour is free and to get copies of the rules and regulations and the waver form, please email me at or call 1 800 381 2306. Seating is limited!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

New Newspaper in town

Hey everybody - time to write newspaper articles. The Clarksdale Register accepts them via email and we have a new paper Clarksdale Blues-Star that will be on Sunday only. THis will be a free paper for about a month and then by subscription in a few counties. Submit your news now!

Awards Ceremony for JJ Writing Submissions

We would like to invite everyone to the awards ceremony for the JJ writing contest winners. This takes place on APril 26th at 1 pm at the Writing and Art Building at 243 Delta Ave in downtown clarksdale. Great refreshments and proud parents and teachers. THe 5 teachers with submissions will get $100 each for their classroom and the students are getting certificates, plaques and ribbons. Cool....lets take alot of pictures.

Meeting for Critique group on Sat.

Yep we are off schedule again...this sat we will hold our critique meeting at the private dining room at the North West Regional medical center. We will go over the success of our tent (cost of $75). We had 3 authors...John Campbell, Woody, and Patricia Neeley Dorsey and of course our own Helen Sanders. We sold about $40 in water. THank you volunteers. We gave out all of our flyers too. maybe we will get some new members.

If you have a submission for critique...we need 5 pages, copied of your submission and be ready to read.

We will also discuss a possible change of time and venue! election is coming up in June and so is membership be thinking for new officiers.

Juke Joint Submissions Judged

Juke Joint was a success inspite of the 80% chance of rain. The rain finally came about 3:30 and then in spurts for the rest of the day. Juke jointing that night was cool and clear.

What fun...we will soon post some pics and the winners of the JJ writing contest!

Holy Cow! What a job putting those submissions up in display. Now that I live 25 miles from the nearest store...I was looking for creative ways to put them up. I landed up putting one submission on a dog diaper...dont tell anyone.!

We have alot of submissions from St George's Day School, but none from the High School or college students...maybe next year.