Wednesday, August 19, 2009

MWG Fall convention a success!

MWG fall convention in Vicksburg was a great place to be this past weekend. Networking with other writers, writers to be and well known speakers was indeed exciting. We are now planning for next year. Thanks for the door prize donations Clarksdale!

Critique groups meet weekly

Do you have a book in mind, writing an article or novel? Our critique group meets every Tuesday at 6 oclock. The location varies from the CUtrer to people's homes so email us and we will get you on the list. Email submissions before the meeting or bring extra copies.
Call us for more info!

DWA changes time for meeting

THE DWA IS BACK TO ITS SUMMER SCHEDULE. We will meet at the Cutrer again at 6 pm on the third thur of the month. The next meeting is scheduled for Sept 16th. Any quesitons or comments...our email is and phone is 1 800 381 2306.